Community Impact Night 2024

This is a preview of the Sponsorship Application Form (Express) form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


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Bendigo Bank will respect and uphold your rights to privacy protection under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as established under the Privacy Act 1988 and amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. Please view our privacy statement, here 

Confirmation of eligibility

I confirm that:
  • I have read and understand the program guidelines
  • I/the organisation can demonstrate how this proposal aligns with the aims of the sponsorship guidelines
  • I have/the organisation has a valid Australian bank account
  • I am/the organisation is a current Bendigo Bank customer, or willing to become a Bendigo Bank customer
  • I do not have any other sponsors who are financial institutions. This includes banks, brokers, insurance providers etc
  • I/we have the capacity to deliver this sponsorship.
  • the sponsorship will benefit the sponsor and is delivered within and benefits the local area
  • all required licences, permits and insurances required are / will be in place (if applicable)
  • if your staff / volunteers are working with children, they have obtained a Working with Children Check
This sponsorship will not:
  • attempt to change the law or direct political donations
  • conflict with our organisation’s values and objectives
  • break any laws
  • attempt to claim retrospective funding – paying for costs already incurred
  • involve gambling  
  • denigrate, exclude or offend any part of the community 
  • encourage violence or involve the use of weapons 
  • mistreat, exploit or harm animals 
  • create environmental hazards
  • present a danger to public health or safety
  • take place solely outside Australia
  • contribute to modern slavery
I confirm that all statements above are true and correct * Required